Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Crime Prevention Tips-Snatch Thief

Snatch Theft

How it can happen

  1. Approaching victim on the pretext of striking up a conversation or seeking assistace.
  2. Snatching the handbag from behind the victim.
  3. Soiling victim’s clothing and offering to clean dirt stains on it.
  4. Telling victim that his money has dropped on the floor.
Preventive Measures

  • Avoid short cuts through dark or deserted areas.
  • Be wary of persons who follow or distract you.
  • Carry your handbag in front of you or clasp it firmly under your arm.
  • Never leave it unattended, especially in crowded places like shopping and hawker centres.
  • Always walk facing on-coming traffic if possible and hold the handbag on the side away from the motorists.
  • Avoid wearing excessive jewellery or carrying large amounts of cash.
  • Do not flaunt cash and valuables in public view.

Crime Prevention Tips-Shoplifting

It is known that recently the crime rate in our neighborhood is on the rise, hence it is best to be prepared before it is too late.

Here are some tips to the shop owners:
  • Make the shoplifters feel watched.  Elevate the cashier’s platform.  Install mirrors that enable cashiers and sales people to see over and around displays.  Install one-way glass in offices to enable employees to see into the store without being seen from the floor. 
  • Install surveillance cameras to cover cash registers, high-value merchandise displays, entrances, loading docks, etc. Use software that can be programmed to create an alarm when suspicious activity occurs. Mount monitors showing live video at main entrances to let shoppers know that they will be under surveillance in the store.
  • Post signs warning against shoplifting.  Emphasize that you will prosecute.  The best way to discourage shoplifters and keep your business from being tagged as an easy mark is to take a get- tough attitude and prosecute on the first offense.
  • Encourage checking parcels on entry.
  • Require receipts for merchandise returns for cash.  Require a photo ID and signature for returns without a receipt.  And then just give merchandise-only vouchers.
  • Take an inventory of returned merchandise against receipts on a regular basis to catch false returns, i.e., ones without returned merchandise.

Crime rate @ Vic Street

Recently, crime rate in our neighborhood (Vic Street) is on the rise, and many of our neighbors are complaining to the police about issues such as vandalism, robberies, and shop-lifting.

We have interviewed witnesses and victims regarding the recent car vandalism in our neigborhood.
According to Mr Yen, who saw the crime and took pictures of it, he mentioned in the email that the act was disrespectful and could not believe there are such people around. He hopes our neighbours could be warned of the troublemakers and takes preventive measures.

Mr Loo Talkalot from Blk 12 who was a victim of car vandalism, showing his car.

This is the footage of one of our witness Mr Tan Bee Wee from Blk 3, he had witness the vandalism first-hand and took a video. 


Residents are advise to report any emergencies to the police hotline 999. Refer to the Singapore Police Force website for more information on crime prevention and other police matters.

Updates from Singapore Police Force (SPF) in regards of the recent Vandalism

The Singapore Police Force have sent representative, CPL Lim, a young police from the Vic Street neighborhood police post in regards of giving the residences in Vic Street tips in preventing vandalism around this area.CPL Lim also states that "Vandalism it's a crime, and this kind of behavior is not accepted in Singapore".

Take Action

  • Take pride in your surroundings. Vandalism cheapens your area and you.
  • Learn about the costs and effects of vandalism by working with law enforcement, school officials, and community leaders. Teach what you learn to other teenagers and younger children.
  • Start a clean-up crew a in the neighborhood. Ask local businesses to donate supplies like paint and paintbrushes for covering graffiti, or tools and equipment for repairing vandalized property.
  • Write articles for the community newspaper on the costs of vandalism and graffiti, their impact on school and other budgets for activities, and how the courts—juvenile and adult—treat vandals.
  • Look for ways to use the talent and creativity of vandals in positive, nondestructive activities. Sponsor a mural contest in school or a youth center. Encourage art supply stores and area businesses to provide large canvases and materials for kids to create murals inspired by themes like saying no to drugs, the importance of education, or celebrating diversity in your community. Ask local artists to attend and provide instruction and advice or judge a mural contest.
Tips for car owners:
  • Never leave valuables in the car or in plain sight.
  • Avoid parking in dark areas, especially if you drive a luxury car.
  • Install proper car alarm systems to deter possible criminals.
  • Report any suspicious characters seen loitering in the car park.

    Residents are advise to report any emergencies to the police hotline 999. Refer to the Singapore Police Force website for more information on crime prevention and other police matters.

    CPL Lim also shares about the relevant posters that the Singapore Police Force have putted up all around Singapore to create awareness about crime prevention.

    Be Alert Against Terrorism

    Here are some videos regarding "Be Alert Against Terrorism"...